Supporting Documents for AQAR 2020-21
Criteria 2: Teaching-learning and Evaluation
2.2.2 - Student - Full time
teacher ratio during the year
Total number of sanctioned
teaching posts for the year 2020-21
Total number of filled teaching
posts for the year 2020-21
2.3.3 - Ratio of students to
mentor for academic and other related issues during the year
Notice pertaining to announcement of mentors
Allotment order of Mentors to Mentees
Notice pertaining details of mentors and their
allotted mentees
Report of issues raised and resolved
2.5.1 - Number of days from
the date of last semester-end/ year- end examination till the declaration
of results during the year
2.6.3 - Number of students
passed during the year
2.7 - Student Satisfaction Survey